Build retail ecommerce software of tomorrow, today

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Your customers aren’t just analytics numbers – they’re experience hunters. Get the most out of omnichannel ecommerce solutions with COAX, creating unique and smooth customer journeys.


Forget guesswork and shape your idea into a winning ecommerce product.


Create captivating ecommerce website design and conversion-driving experiences that turn just-visitors into lifelong customers.


Define your brand voice and entice your customers with a winning ecommerce marketing strategy & targeted content.


Leverage AI in retail and analytics to dig deeper into consumer preferences, delivering personalized ecommerce experiences they return for – again and again.

90% SEO ranking growth for the antique marketplace

A leading UK antique marketplace with 120,000 monthly visitors suffered from the downsides of outdated technology. Page loading was so slow that visitors left before making purchases, and the marketplace underperformed in search results.

How COAX helped

  • Rebuilt the legacy ecommerce platform with modern architecture
  • Created a new admin panel with pre-moderation for faster uploads
  • Implemented generative AI to fill out product details
  • Optimized data pipelines and reduced the database size to a lean 200MB


  • Page load times dropped by over 90% – from 6-8 seconds to just 0.5 seconds
  • Google Core Vitals SEO ranking jumped from 20 to 90+

14% revenue boost & 12% cost reduction for a greenhouse farm

A herb grower with a massive 6-hectare greenhouse faced challenges with manual record-keeping, inefficient data management, and difficulty monitoring crops in a remote location.

How COAX helped

  • Implemented retail logistics software with a network of IoT devices for real-time environment monitoring
  • Added a robust data processing layer that aggregated, filtered, and organized data into dashboards and charts
  • Integrated production analytics, financial management, remote operational control, CRM, and supply chain management into a single web app


  • 100% transparency led to informed decision-making and a 14% revenue boost
  • 25% less waste thanks to optimized resource allocation
  • 15% yield increase and 12% cost reduction

Skyrocket your sales with online retail software


Custom marketplace

60% of worldwide online sales come from marketplaces. Turn your digital marketplace into an all-year-round profit engine. Take advantage of retail automation, intuitive navigation, and personalized experiences that keep your customers happy and spending.

  • Ecommerce website design with appealing product listings to hook users
  • UX that meets user needs & Baymand Institute benchmarks
  • Payment gateways & shipping integrations


Retail CRM

74% of businesses make customer data work for their ecommerce strategy with CRM software. Create a rock-solid CRM with all your customer info in one place, and connect it with your ecommerce platform, ERP, or inventory management system.

  • A 360° view of each customer to deliver personalized, efficient service
  • Configured funnels, activities, and reporting to fit your specific sales process
  • Full ecommerce CRM solutions functionality on smartphones and tablets


Supply chain management

Tired of stockouts and overstocking? You're not alone. Over 80% of businesses struggle with unpredictable demand. Custom supply chain software keeps your inventory levels just right, so you don’t miss a sale or waste space. 

  • Reporting systems to keep an eye on everything that needs to be replenished
  • AI-powered demand forecasting to predict needs and analyze trends
  • Automated flows and supplier alerts to lift the supply chain weight off your shoulders


Warehouse management

Automated order processing can boost productivity by 25%, reduce space consumption by 20%, and increase stock use efficiency by 30%. Warehouse management systems help you organize and locate inventory faster, shortening the path from storage to consumer.

  • Digital warehouse mapping to optimize space utilization
  • Configurable storage rules to reduce travel time within the warehouse
  • Inventory control with real-time tracking for accurate order fulfillment


Point of sale solution

Point of sale ecommerce transactions bring businesses 51% of the most valuable data. Scannable barcodes replace manual entry, reducing typos and discrepancies, and faster transactions lead to smoother user experiences.

  • Customer purchase history access to personalize future recommendations
  • Customizable layouts that align with your workflows & product categories
  • Employee performance tracking to spot top performers & bottlenecks


Omnichannel marketing automation

Marketing campaigns across 3 or more channels result in a 494% higher order rate. Today's customers crave personalized marketing. Reach more customers with targeted messages, data-driven campaigns, and communication that resonates.

  • Customer base analysis & segmentation to build persuasive campaigns
  • Customer journey mapping to drive conversion at every touchpoint
  • Omnichannel content strategy & performance analytics for consistent lead generation

What you get with COAX

Ignite conversions for lifelong loyalty

Shape & personalize shopping experiences so that your customers never feel stale or confused. From best-in-class UX practices to AI in retail and gamification, we make shopping fun for buyers and profitable for you.

Future-proof your product

We pick modern technologies that are easy to maintain and scale as your demand grows. Our engineers approach ecommerce web development with your business goals in mind, preventing technical debt, optimizing your app’s performance, and ensuring zero downtime.

Get 100% process visibility

Trace activities across departments and gain total control over retail business operations. We create ecommerce products that connect supply chain planning, retail logistics, customer management, and omnichannel fulfillment for optimal performance. 

Put your growth strategy into action

Implement a product-led ecommerce growth strategy that uniquely positions your brand. Guided by competitive analysis and market research, we form an optimal ecommerce SEO strategy and distribute content that attracts new customers and keeps old ones returning.

Take advantage of operational intelligence

Get a birds-eye view of your processes and resolve operational bottlenecks. To make sure you don’t just manage but optimize, we implement data analytics, data visualization, and machine learning for informed decision-making. 

Adopt sustainable retail

Make sure you’re not just greenwashing but truly adding sustainable practices to your brand’s ecommerce strategy. With IoT sensors, carbon footprint slashing, and operational analytics, you can reduce resource consumption and nurture customer trust.